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Features of Engineering Education

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There are 5 departments in National Institute of Technology,Numazu College.

Each student belongs to one of those departments, and deepens technical knowledge of their department.


Feature of Curriculum

Professional education and general education are well balanced in the five-year course.

It enables the students to acquire knowledge and skills equal to those of university graduates.

Feature of Curriculum

The professional education which emphasized an experiment and a training

We provide students with a specialized education in the fairly early stage of their study.

In the first year, students in all departments learn essential knowledge as an engineer, such as significant figures, measuring errors, and safety, in the lecture “Fundamentals of Engineering I.” They are also engaged in experiments and trainings essential to engineers regardless of their specialized fields in “Fundamentals of Engineering II.” In the first year, each class consists of students of different majors, but from the second year on, classes are arranged according to the students’ majors.

The professional education which emphasized an experiment and a training
Fundamentals of Engineering II

Problem-Based Practical Education

In the 2nd year, Research Practice is designed to develop students’ problem solving skills, creativity and planning ability. Students work in a group of two or three on a given topic and conduct their research in a systematic manner under a supervisor specializing in the fields. Programs of Problem-Based Learning are also set up in each department for the upper graders.

Problem-Based Practical Education
Research Practice

Interdisciplinary education that responds to the structural change of the industries

In the 3rd, 4th, and 5th years of study, students take one course of the three interdisciplinary fields—energy and environment, advanced materials, or medical welfare— as well as subjects of major field in each department.


About half of the fourth-year students participate in a working experience internship in a company. Thus they know how their study will contribute to their future work. Further, the internship experience motivates the students to study harder by seeing their senior graduates working enthusiastically. More and more companies have received Kosen students in their internship program, which means the students’ activities are highly evaluated.


Graduation research/study

“Graduation research/study” is conducted as a summary of learning for 5 years.

Students will study upon a practical theme under the supervisor and make a thesis. Through this activity, the social and industrial roles of engineering technology will be understood as well as learning of how to wrestle with new problems and the ways and the attitude to independently and continually solve problems.


  • Development of Pneumatic Device for Shifting of the Elderly’s Center of Gravity in Postural Balance
  • Production of a Three-Phase Multi-Level Inverter Using Vector Frequency Modulation
  • Construction of Robotic Bridge Inspection System
  • Development of Near-field Mueller Matrix Microscope
  • Development of an IoT Sensor Network for Smart Agriculture
  • Study of suppressive effect of tencha, powdered green tea grown shielded from the sunlight, and its Kosencha, tea treated with high temperature and high pressure, on absorption of sugar in animal

Learning Support

Learning content at Kosen includes some advanced academic knowledge, which causes difficulty acquiring effective learning skills. Addressing the issues related to such learning difficulties.

Student Support Center provides two types of spaces, Fuji Café with an open environment and IshizueJuku as a small lesson room.

Fuji Café
  • Staff will tutor students individually in accordance with their progress.
  • Students can learn together in a group or on a self-supporting style.
  • Staff will provide consultations on learning skills and subjects with poor academic results.
  • Staff will give students some mini-lessons in a didactic manner.
Fuji Cafe
Fuji cafe